La situation économique du Ghana, par le Chef du service économique de l’Ambassade de France à Accra

En exclusivité pour Convergence, Jean-Noël Blanc, conseiller économique de l’ambassade de France au Ghana, vous propose de revenir sur les particularités économiques, financières et minières de ce pays aux multiples attraits pour les investisseurs.

Cet article s’inscrit dans le cadre des Business Conferences and Meetings Africa Mining 2022, organisés par Convergence les 8 et 9 novembre 2022.

Convergence business meetings 2022

Global Mining outlook and the effect on Africa 

As the world aims to be more carbon neutral, the search for essential minerals to satiate the quest becomes more and more keen. According to the Rapport Varin “half of the  world cars would be electric by 2030. Copper demand would have doubled, lithium and Nickel demand would increase by four fold and three fold respectively.” If the prediction of the report is anything to go by then, this steers massive investment toward the continent. It also raises the question of the modalities of these investments and what benefits will these countries get as a result of them.

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